Why you can not wash and revenge the floor in the evening

Our ancestors endowed each time of the day with a certain energy. Therefore, they tried to do or not do certain things at a certain time. In particular, there are signs associated with mopping and sweeping in the evening.

In the modern world, many no longer pay attention to superstition and do as they want. But perhaps in these superstitions there is a rational kernel. We propose to analyze the actions from the point of view and signs and logic.

Can I wash the floors at night (before bedtime)

From generation to generation, our ancestors passed signs about why wet floors should be cleaned before bedtime. It was believed that evening and night - a time of rampant evil spirits. It was at this time that witches and sorcerers created their witchcraft (spoilage, evil eye, etc.). And if you wash the floor at night, then you can remove the energy protection from your home. After that, all evil with its negative energy could penetrate into it. And this provoked poverty, disease and omission.


  • If you wash the floor at night, then all the good mood will be washed;
  • You can not clean the house if someone from the family was going on a trip. The sign is valid until the departed reaches the destination. If at this time you start cleaning, then misfortune may happen along the way;
  • If you had a holiday at home, you should not immediately begin cleaning floors after guests leave. It is believed that in this way you will leave a bad impression on visitors about yourself and your home;
  • Wash the floor with the same mop to maintain prosperity and prosperity in the house;
  • After the death of the one who lived in the house, do not clean for 9 days. It is believed that a person went on a "long journey";
  • You can not do wet cleaning the floor on Monday, Friday and Sunday, otherwise the family may become impoverished.

What does the practice say?

If superstition is discarded and reasoned logically, mopping at night is not recommended for purely medical reasons. Despite the fact that all modern cleaning products are safe for humans, you cannot call them useful either.

If you wash the floor at night, it will not have time to dry, and the smell of the product will not have time to disappear. The next morning, the room can be damp and cool, especially if your house is wet. And dampness, as you know, is a favorable environment for the development of mold fungus.

Therefore, in order not to breathe chemicals and not to provoke mold, it is better to refuse cleaning in the evening.

Sweeping in the evening: possible or not

A broom is an attribute attributed to evil spirits. As you know, it was on a broomstick that witches flew. Therefore, it is generally accepted that taking it in the evening can provoke a ritual to call evil spirits.

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, sweeping at night provokes poverty. Another sign says that in this way you "sweep out" all the positive energy from your home.


  • Do not mark across the threshold so as not to sweep away your wealth and happiness;
  • It is impossible to revenge when someone was about to leave, so that his road was safe;
  • Do not sweep right after the guests leave so that they have a positive impression of you;
  • If your house was visited by someone unwanted, then notice immediately after his departure. So you "sweep" his negative energy;
  • Do not change brooms during cleaning;
  • Do not sweep the floors for 9 days if one of the residents has died;
  • Do not sweep in church holidays: worldly activities these days can wait. Better take care of the spirit and pray;
  • If you still take up a broom in the evening, you need to do this before sunset. Otherwise, be unhappiness;
  • Do not sweep together, otherwise quarrel;
  • Start sweeping from the farthest room to accurately sweep out all the negativity;
  • Do not let the guests help you with cleaning - they will take away your happiness and luck.

What does the practice say?

As with floor cleaning and sweeping - doctors and psychologists do not recommend cleaning in the evenings. Especially working women.

In Orthodoxy, one cannot follow signs and superstitions, but it is also forbidden to clean the house in the evenings. It is recommended to devote evenings to communication with loved ones, and rest from daily affairs.

It is better to set aside time on the day off and quickly clean the whole family in the house. But, of course, do not "litter" your home if you need to clean it urgently.


If you systematically cleaned houses only in the evenings, without attaching importance to it, and nothing bad happened, then you should not follow superstitions. Remember that signs only work when you believe in them.

From a psychological point of view, cleaning the house in the evening (that is, after work) can lead to tantrums and nervous breakdowns. The data obtained during the study of the causes of complaints of clients of psychotherapists.

Therefore, give your body a break after a hard day's work! It is better to get up a few minutes earlier to remove and take out the garbage than to create an extra source of nerves in the evening. So you save yourself and your loved ones from all illnesses and quarrels caused by stress.

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