The microphone does not work in Warface

As soon as the Warface game appeared, there was a voice communication function in it, but the programmers decided to make some improvements to its operation mode and removed voice chat from the game.

Why the microphone does not work in Warface

Many years later, the developers again introduced this function into the program, and again it was possible to talk. But at the same time, it was not indicated anywhere how to turn on the sound, how to make tuning, and to use this innovation in the future.

Note! If voice communication with other players does not work, then it is possible that it is not turned on.

Also, a problem with voice chat can occur if, in addition to the standard protection program for the Windows system, another program is installed to eliminate the threats of computer infection. In this case, the voice function does not work. For chat to work, you need to turn off the function of protecting your PC from viruses in the installed program.  

How to fix the problem

To enable voice communication in Warface and configure it, you must:

  • enable game mode;
  • enter "settings" and click on the "sound" button;
  • Find the item "activate voice chat" and click on "accept".

After these steps, other players can now hear what you will say. To activate the "Push to tolk" function, which allows others to hear only what you want to say, rather than random conversations and all sounds in your home, you need to go to the game settings, find this item and turn it on. After all the changes, click on the "accept" tab.

To bind voice chat to any key, you need to open the settings menu and find the “control” item, then select the desired letter on the keyboard from the ones offered and bind it to the voice function. By default, the voice function is enabled when you press the letter "T" in the English layout or the letter "E" in the Russian keyboard layout. While holding this key, other players will hear you.

How to properly set up a microphone in Warface

To configure the microphone in the Warface game, you need to go into the settings functional to adjust parameters such as sound volume and microphone sensitivity. After regulation, click on the "Test" button. Now you can hear your voice. And because it sounds, adjust the sound parameters according to the volume and sensitivity of the microphone. Also in the settings there is a tab "sound quality". Using it is regulated as you hear other players.

Interesting! If you want to change the sound of your voice in the game, then using the program MorhMoxPro this can easily be done.

It can be downloaded on the Internet and installed on your computer. Once this program has been installed, you need to go into the settings and select the special effect that you like most from the proposed voice options. Then, using the additional functionality of the program, select other settings. The Tone Shift tab helps make your voice squeaky or vice versa to give it rigidity. To select the desired tone there are keys "offset" and "threshold". With their help, you select the desired effect for the timbre of the voice. This program can be used to adjust the sound of your voice in other games too.

After all the parameters are selected and installed, you need to go into the Windows settings, in this case, you need to configure the speakers. In the pop-up window, click on the “sounds” tab, and then select the “record” parameter and select the functions “microphone” and “microphone screaming bi audio” in it. Using the first key, other players can hear you, and with the second microphone turned on, all sounds played in the Warface game mode will play on your computer.

You can also configure the microphone on your PC as follows, you need to go to the "Start" menu and select the "control panel" function, then click on the "Hardware and Sound" tab, select the sound settings option, namely changing the sound system. From the settings menu, select the "Record" function, then go into the microphone settings and click on the "levels" parameter. Then in the settings with the name "microphone" set to level 85, and in the "microphone gain" functionality, set the setting to 20 dB. After the changes, click on "OK" or "apply". After perfect settings, the microphone will work much better than with the parameters that were set by default.

When playing Warface, it is not necessary to use the voice function, some players even pay too much attention to negotiations, which affects the quality of his actions and the game. But after the innovation, many users note that this function helps with the organization of joint operations and actions in the game.

Watch the video: Warface -Mic broken (April 2024).

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